Publikacje Justyna Lemke
Tytuł: Six Sigma in Urban Logistics Management - a Case Study
Autor/Autorzy: Justyna Lemke, Kinga Kijewska, Stanisław Iwan, Tomasz Dudek
Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: business process model and notation, city logistic, Defect per Million Opportunities, Six Sigma, sustainable development, Urban transport
Abstrakt: A city as a system that constitutes one of the most important areas of human activities. The significant role to fulfill their expectations pay the goods transport and deliveries. These issues are the subject of urban logistics. In broad terms, urban logistics may be construed as a number of processes focused on freight flows, which are completed in cities, including deliveries, supply, goods transfer, services, etc. Due to the different urban logistics stakeholders’ expectations, these systems generate many challenges for managers, especially in the context of city users’ needs and their quality of life. Today, there is a lack of broadened approach and methodology to support them from the processes’ efficiency perspective. To fulfill this gap, the purpose of this paper is to apply the Six Sigma method as a support in last mile delivery management. Six Sigma method plays important role in production systems processes management. However, it could be useful in much wider perspective, including transport and logistics processes. The Authors emphasize that the Six Sigma method could be efficient approach in the last mile delivery processes’ analysis in the context of their efficiency. It helps positioning the customer satisfaction level and quantify the delivery processes defects, related to the undelivered goods. Following that it could improve significantly the last mile delivery processes efficiency. The concept is illustrated by a sample evaluation of one of the urban logistics processes: completion of deliveries. To this end, urban logistics processes were defined. In particular, the delivery completion process was mapped, and the process client was defined along with their expectations. The defects that occurred in the process were identified and analyzed. A DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunities) indicator was established for three randomly selected months. In addition, a root cause analysis of errors was performed. The sigma level for the studied process ranged from 2.61 to 2.89. The factor that had the greatest impact on the number of defects defined as failed deliveries was customer’s absence. The obtained results indicate that the delivery process should be examined in more detail.
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Tytuł: Using Six Sigma in the management of city Logistics processes – a case study on the impact assessment of transport infrestructure on fuel consumption in Szczecin
Autor/Autorzy: Justyna Lemke, Roma Strulak-Wójcikiewicz
Miejsce publikacji: European Research Studies Journal
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: city infrastructure, city logistics, Design of Experiment (DOE), DMAIC, Six Sigma, sustainable, Urban transport development
Abstrakt: Purpose: The objective of this paper is to present the possibilities of using the Six Sigma (SS) methodology in the management of city logistics processes in the Polish city of Szczecin. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Six Sigma methodology is used in this study. We discuss the possibility of managing city logistics based on the Six Sigma methodology. In the first stage, the city logistics processes are analysed, and the customer of this process and their needs are defined. For this purpose, a SIPOC (Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Clients) diagram is used, as well as a CTQ (Critical to Quality) tree. Subsequently, an overall concept for the management of city logistics processes is developed. Findings: Based on the literature review, possible process evaluation indicators are proposed. Finally, an example of a Six Sigma project is presented, to improve the city logistics process in the city of Szczecin in Poland. Practical Implications: The presented research results show the possibility of using the Six Sigma (SS) methodology in the management of city logistics processes. Originality/value: The Six Sigma management concept in city logistics presented in the article is the first study of this type according to the authors’ knowledge. The in-depth analysis of the literature on the subject, presented in the article provides for a possibility of applying the Six Sigma methodology in logistics processes and in city management. The management concept according to Six Sigma has not been previously applied to the management of city logistics processes to the authors’ knowledge.
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Tytuł monografii: INŻYNIERIA ZARZĄDZANIA CYFRYZACJA PRODUKCJI Aktualności badawcze 1
Tytuł rozdziału monografii: Harmonogramowanie montażu sekcji okrętowych z uwzględnieniem problematyki balansowania linii prefabrykacyjnej
Autor/Autorzy: Justyna Lemke, Remigiusz Iwańkowicz
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: balansowanie linii, harmonogramowanie, kadłub statku, montaż, prefabrykacja
Abstrakt: W artykule poruszono problematykę planowania montażu wielkogabarytowych konstrukcji spawanych na przykładzie stalowych sekcji kadłuba statku. Rozważono przypadek seryjnej produkcji powtarzalnych konstrukcji. Poddano analizie technologię ich budowy i wyróżniono kluczowe grupy stanowisk spawalniczych wydziału prefabrykacji w stoczni. Zaproponowano sposób opisu konstrukcji za pomocą predefiniowanej sekwencji montażu oraz klasyfikacji połączeń ze względu na technologię spawania. W opisanym algorytmie w pierwszej kolejności realizowane jest balansowanie linii montażowej i planowanie jej taktu, następnie wyznaczany jest harmonogram montażu pojedynczej sekcji w serii.
ISBN: 978-83-208-2350-9
Adres strony internetowej (link) do pełnego tekstu publikacji:,p1634563179
Tytuł: Sustainable production network design for city multi-floor manufacturing cluster
Autor/Autorzy: Justyna Lemke, Tomasz Dudek, Tygran Dzhuguryan
Miejsce publikacji: Procedia Computer Science
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: analysis systems, management, multicriteria analysis, optimization, supply chain network, sustainable manufacturing
Abstrakt: The most important aspects of supply chain network design implicated companies, are quality, time and effectiveness of their processes. Those aspects are issued not only by users’ requirements, but also by applicable benchmarks, specifications as well as economic and financial conditions. Thus, among others, the most desirable tools that fulfill such demands the knowledge assessment methods and applications of modern computing methods in engineering and life science. The following draft presents a method used to explain and asses the knowledge about an enterprises infrastructure system. System that allows allocation of production components and analyze their role in maintaining that process.The aim of this article is to present an approach for sustainable supply chain network design, as well as the proposal for big data repository analysis and a way to use a multicriteria method to solve a multi-objective supply chain network problems.
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Tytuł: Concept of using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the analysis of traffic parrameters on Oder Waterway
Autor/Autorzy: Justyna Lemke, Artur Kujawski, Tomasz Dudek
Miejsce publikacji: Transportation Research Procedia
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: image analysis, inland Shiping, transport, UAV
Abstrakt: The aim of this paper is to develop a concept of using video materials obtained from unmanned aerial vehicle in the survey of cargo traffic parameters on inland waterways. The analysis was carried out on the example of the navigational sensitive sections of Oder Waterway within the Szczecin agglomeration. The concept provides an analysis of the passing of the push-tag set under the bridges and the winding sections of the Oder River. The study used a simulation model of inland waterway traffic based on information provided from a camera installed on an unmanned aerial vehicle.
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Tytuł: Concept of a Simulation Model for Assesing the Sustainable Development of Urban Transport
Autor/Autorzy: Justyna Lemke, Roma Strulak-Wójcikiewicz,
Miejsce publikacji: Transportation Research Procedia
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: simulation model, sustainable development of urban transport, system dynamics
Abstrakt: The article presents a concept of a simulation model for evaluation and assessment of the sustainable development of urban transport in the social, economic and environmental dimensions. Urban transport is here understood as combination of urban freight transport, passenger transport and individual transport. The concept is illustrated by a set of environmental indicators for sustainable development of urban transport. A system of sustainable development of urban transport has been defined. The simulation model has been developed as a consequence of the system dynamics that allowed integration of numerous indicators of the sustainable development of urban transport (including the qualitative and quantitative ones) and their simultaneous estimation with a dynamic approach. Furthermore, the concept present in the article also provides a possibility to generate results in a form of integrated sustainable development indicators. They express the degree of a given phenomenon in three different dimensions, presenting the information on the complex phenomenon description in a very clear manner.
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Tytuł: Aspekty wykorzystania systemów przepływu pracy w przedsiębiorstwie
Autor/Autorzy: Tomasz Dudek, Justyna Lemke
Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe
Rok: 2017
Słowa kluczowe: Systemy przepływu pracy, Work routing, Workflow
Abstrakt: Charakterystyka systemu przepływu pracy wspieranego rozwiązaniami poprawiającymi proces przekazywania informacji pomiędzy obiektami, które ją generują oraz przetwarzają. Artykuł dostarcza informacji na temat systemu zarządzania przepływem pracy, jego cech charakterystycznych, specyfikacji oraz wpływu na działalność przedsiębiorstwa.
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