Publikacje Witold Torbacki
Tytuł : Achieving Sustainable Mobility in the Szczecin Metropolitan Area in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The DEMATEL and PROMETHEE II Approach
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: DEMATEL, sustainable transport, Szczecin Metropolitan Railway, PROMETHEE II, sustainable mobility, Szczecin Metropolitan Area
Abstrakt: This article presents the idea of modelling and supporting the decision-making process in the field of development directions of a sustainable transport system in a metropolitan area. The global COVID-19 pandemic is causing changes in the perception of the public transport system by passengers. Users’ concerns for their own safety may lead to a shift away from public transport. Policy makers are advised to pay attention to these new phenomena that are hindering the development of sustainable transport in urban areas. Thus, many projects for the development of sustainable urban transport mobility, prepared before COVID-19, require re-analysis and adaptation to the decision-making processes of choosing the preferred means of transport by citizens. The scientific aim of this article was to develop a mathematical model based on the hybrid DEMATEL-PROMETHEE II method, supporting city decision-makers in the decision-making process regarding the selection of appropriate measures supporting the development of sustainable transport. The issues covered in the article include economic, informational and legal aspects, including electromobility, the principles of a low-emission society, and sustainable collective transport. The model was prepared for the needs of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area, where the construction of the Szczecin Metropolitan Railway, delayed by COVID-19, is underway and is to be the main axis of the public transport system. Finally, the article provides a ranking of groups of measures, dimensions and criteria that should be taken into account by decision-makers and planners in the modified plans for the sustainable development of metropolitan transport systems in the period after COVID-19.
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Tytuł : A Hybrid MCDM Model Combining DANP and PROMETHEE II Methods for the Assessment of Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability
Rok: 2021
Słowa kluczowe: Industry 4.0, sustainable manufacturing, cybersecurity, carbon footprint, DANP, PROMETHEE II
Abstrakt: IT technologies related to Industry 4.0 facilitate the implementation of the framework for sustainable manufacturing. At the same time, Industry 4.0 integrates IT processes and systems of production companies with IT solutions of cooperating companies that support a complete manufactured product life cycle. Thus, the implementation of sustainable manufacturing implies a rapid increase in interfaces between IT solutions of cooperating companies. This, in turn, raises concerns about security among manufacturing company executives. The lack of a recognized methodology supporting the decision-making process of choosing the right methods and means of cybersecurity is, in effect, a significant barrier to the development of sustainable manufacturing. As a result, the propagation of technologies in Industry 4.0 and the implementation of the sustainable manufacturing framework in companies are slowing down significantly. The main novelty of this article, addressing the above deficiencies, is the creation, using the combined DEMATEL and ANP (DANP) and PROMETHEE II methods, of a ranking of the proposed three groups of measures, seven dimensions and twenty criteria to be implemented in companies to ensure cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 and facilitate the implementation of the sustainable production principles. The contribution of Industry 4.0 components and the proposed cybersecurity scheme to achieve the Sustainable Development goals, reducing the carbon footprint of companies and introducing circular economy elements was also indicated. Using DANP and PROMETHEE II, it can be concluded that: (i) the major criterion of cybersecurity in companies is validation and maintaining electronic signatures and seals; (ii) the most crucial area of cybersecurity is network security; (iii) the most significant group of measures in this regard are technological measures.
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Tytuł monografii: Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering
Tytuł rozdziału monografii: Analytic Method for Decision Support of Blockchain Technology Supplier Selection in Industry 4.0 Era
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Rok: 2020
Słowa kluczowe: Blockchain technology, digital signature, data security, Industry 4.0, MCDA
Abstrakt: The article presents the issues covering the modern methods of securing data in both manufacturing processes and companies within the concept of Industry 4.0. In this approach, research problems arose how to implement the right method of secure data sending in sales, manufacturing and distribution processes. It is a very important issue for manufacturing companies as well as how the process of sending electronic data should be safely conducted. While current researches concentrated on the method of blockchain secured electronic documents, there is almost no research concentrating on blockchain integrator selection criteria. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a decision assistance model based on multiple criteria decision analysis technique. Also, mutual relationships between parameters for the assessment of integrators are established. In the article, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) was used to assess these characteristics. The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique was chosen for this assessment.
ISBN: 978-83-66675-02-5
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Tytuł monografii: Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering
Tytuł rozdziału monografii: Multi-criteria decision method for choosing ERP cloud systems in Industry 4.0 era
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: MCDA, ERP, cloud system, Industry 4.0,
Abstrakt: The article presents the issues covering the modern ERP cloud systems for manufacturing companies within the currently developed concept Industry 4.0. In this approach, research problems arose as to which parameters and characteristics of ERP cloud systems are the most important from the point of view of manufacturing companies as well as how the process of choosing an ERP system should be conducted. In addition, mutual relationships between these parameters were established. In the article, a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was used to assess these characteristics. The Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique was chosen for this assessment. The article can be useful to people interested in modern IT solutions in the production industries.
ISBN: 978-3-11-067482-8
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Tytuł: Identifying Key Performance Indicators to be used in Logistics 4.0 and Industry 4.0 for the needs of sustainable municipal logistics by means of the DEMATEL method
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki, Kinga Kijewska
Miejsce publikacji: Transportation Research Procedia
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: Industry 4.0, Logistics 4.0, Sustainability, DEMATEL, KPI
Abstrakt: The article presents the issues covering the transformation of logistics within the currently developed concepts of both Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0. In this approach, a research problem arose as to which parameters and characteristics of both logistics and manufacturing processes are the most important from the point of view of sustainability. In addition, mutual relationships between these parameters were established. In the article, a multi-criteria DEMATEL analysis was used to assess these characteristics. The article can be useful to people interested in modern solutions in the production and logistics industries.
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Tytuł: Wykorzystanie systemów ERP w dydaktyce szkół wyższych w dobie koncepcji Przemysł 4.0 i Logistyka 4.0
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe
Rok: 2019
Słowa kluczowe: ERP, Przemysł 4.0, Logistyka 4.0
Abstrakt: W artykule przedstawiono wyzwaniastojąceprzed dydaktykami szkół wyższych wynikające z rozwoju nowych koncepcji Przemysł 4.0 i Logistyka 4.0. W takim kontekście pojawia się obecnie problem badawczy w jaki sposób prowadzić proces dydaktyczny,aby był powiązany z rzeczywistymi zagadnieniami występujących w co-dziennym życiu firm produkcyjnych iz branży TSL.Artykuł może być pomocą przy wyborze nowoczesnego systemu klasy ERP na potrzeby procesu dydaktycznego w szkole wyższej, który powinien obsługiwać ciąg procesów zintegrowanego łańcucha zamówień, produkcji i dystrybucji towarów w ramach koncepcji Przemysł 4.0i Logistyka 4.0.Zaprezentowany w artykule proces wyborupowinien obejmować sformułowanie wymagań dotyczących wyboru przez uczelnię odpowiedniego systemu ERP, wybór systemu i parametry-zację rozwiązania do specyfiki zajęć dydaktycznych wrazz opraco-waniem planu zajęć laboratoryjnych.
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Tytuł monografii: Innowacje w Zarządzaniu i Inżynierii Produkcji. T II
Tytuł rozdziału monografii: Metodyka wyboru i wdrożenia systemu ERP w dobie rozwoju Przemysłu 4.0
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Rok: 2018
Słowa kluczowe: Przemysł 4.0, ERP, SaaS, systemy cyber-fizyczne, Internet usług
Abstrakt: Koncepcja Przemysł 4.0 nawiązuje do postulowanej czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej. W takim kontekście pojawia się obecnie problem w jaki sposób przeprowadzić proces wdrożenia systemu ERP. Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie proponując ciąg procesów, które finalnie powinny doprowadzić do skutecznej implementacji w firmie systemu ERP. Łańcuch działań rozpoczyna wybór pomiędzy licencją i trybem Software as a Service (SaaS), który stanowi jeden z elementów koncepcji Przemysł 4.0. Następnie należy uwzględnić proponowaną metodykę wyboru usługodawcy SaaS, a także wdrożenia systemu, który powinien obsługiwać przedstawiony ciąg procesów zintegrowanego łańcucha zamówień, produkcji i dystrybucji towarów w kontekście koncepcji Przemysł 4.0. Artykuł może być pomocą przy wyborze chmurowego systemu ERP w dobie rozwoju Przemysłu 4.0.
ISBN: 978-83-941281-2-8
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Tytuł: Transformacja logistyki w dobie koncepcji Przemysł 4.0
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe
Rok: 2018
Słowa kluczowe: DEMATEL, Logistyka, Przemysł 4.0, JIT, JIS
Abstrakt: W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia obejmujące transformację logistyki w ramach rozwijanej obecnie koncepcji Przemysł 4.0. W takim ujęciu pojawia się problem badawczy polegający na ustaleniu, które parametry i charakterystyczne cechy procesów logistycznych są najbardziej istotne z punktu widzenia idei Przemysł 4.0. Dodatkowo należy ustalić wzajemne związki pomiędzy tymi parametrami. W artykule do oceny tych charakterystyk wykorzystano analizę wielokryterialną. Artykuł może być użyteczny dla osób zainteresowanych nowoczesnymi rozwiązaniami w branży produkcyjnej i logistycznej.
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Tytuł: Application of AHP and DEMATEL Methods in Choosing and Analysing the Measures for the Distribution of Goods in Szczecin Region
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki, Kinga Kijewska, Stanisław Iwan,
Miejsce publikacji: Sustainability
Rok: 2018
Słowa kluczowe: urban freight transport, city logistics, decision making process, multi-actor decision support, multi-actor decision support, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Method (DEMATEL)
Abstrakt: Urban areas are centres of business and innovation. Freight transport is indispensable for the proper functioning of any modern urban society. Urban areas cannot function without an appropriate freight transport system, due to the need to replenish stocks of food and other goods in retail shops. The complexity of the decisions concerning implementation of measures to improve the movement of goods in the city requires tools designed to support this process. In this context, a research gap and a research problem occur—how to obtain a reliable set of factors for development of sustainable urban freight transport (UFT). The purpose of this article is to introduce the possibility of applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as well as the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Method (DEMATEL) in choosing a set of measures and in analysing the field of distribution logistics, which will help to solve delivery problems and streamline cargo flow in Szczecin, in the context of sustainable development. This paper presents the findings of a survey in which experts evaluate the main coefficients for sustainable freight transport in the city area. Using both AHP and DEMATEL methods, we have concluded that: (i) all coefficients from administrative, financial, technical and promotional measures are highly interconnected; (ii) strategy of freight transport development should take into consideration how these coefficients influence each other; (iii) P2—eco-driving trainings, T4—alternative delivery systems and P1—promotional campaigns for sustainable transport are the most important criteria and should be priorities for investments; (iv) A1—implementation of loading/unloading and transit restrictions—highly influences other coefficients; (v) T2—intelligent route guidance in freight transport is greatly influenced by them.
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Tytuł: Dematel method in erp systems for TSL branch
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Miejsce publikacji: Transport Problems
Rok: 2017
Słowa kluczowe: DEMATEL, KPI, Balanced Scorecard, TSL, ERP
Abstrakt: The article introduces issues concerning the implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) dedicated to the TSL (Transport-Shipping-Logistics) branch. The KPIs are used in different modules of the ERP (Enterprise resource planning) information systems, which support strategic decision making. Selected indicators have been used to create four perspectives of Balanced Scorecard in accordance with Balanced Scorecard methodology. Using the multi-factor method of DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) analysis, the evaluation of indicators and Balanced Scorecard’s perspectives has been performed. This article can be useful to persons interested in the implementation of modern solutions in ERP applications dedicated to the TSL branch. Presented article can be useful to persons from upper management of TSL companies who are interested in modern methods of supporting strategic management and for IT system developers who are considering expanding modules of ERP software solutions dedicated to TSL industry which support strategic management and decision making.
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Tytuł: Ewaluacja wskaźników eksploatacyjnych w zarządzaniu flotą pojazdów przy wykorzystaniu logiki rozmytej
Autor/Autorzy: Witold Torbacki
Miejsce publikacji: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe
Rok: 2017
Słowa kluczowe: metody rozmyte, logika rozmyta, fuzzy logic, flota,
Abstrakt: W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane ze wskaźnikami eksploatacyjnymi w zarządzaniu flotą pojazdów, metodyką DEMATEL oraz logiką rozmytą. Zaproponowano również integrację obydwu metod, którą zastosowano do oceny wskaźników KPI. Artykuł może być użyteczny dla osób z branży transportowej zainteresowanych nowoczesnymi zagadnieniami w zarządzaniu eksploatacją floty pojazdów.
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